
Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed introduced me to the concept of praxis as the integration of reflection and action, learning and doing, theory and practice. That subsequently became my calling and vocation.

“Go away; we don’t know you!”

Following graduate school, I served as a Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) volunteer in Congo (then called Zaire) and had just attended a meeting in another province where we had been discussing rural development issues. I was booked to fly home on the national airline from the regional airport in that province but the return flight was cancelled while I was traveling. There were no other flights available for a couple of weeks. A missionary pilot stationed nearby told me that while he would like to fly me back to the small city where I lived, he couldn’t because the plane’s engine was scheduled for maintenance. Heavy rains had washed away a bridge in the direction that I needed to go

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Our Worlds: 50+ Years After College

This is a report based on research by four friends who graduated from Tabor College in 1967. We all worked in Africa, went to graduate school, and then spent most of our careers in higher education. Research and publishing became part of our professional lives. Over the decades, we talked with each other and exchanged emails. We reflected on our Tabor experience and the ways through which it influenced the trajectory of our lives and professions. We also wondered how our classmates viewed their college experience 50+ years later and how it affected their lives and careers. We decided to ask them. We conducted a survey of our graduating class, asking them about their lives, experience, values, and perspectives. To see what we learned, click on the following link:

The TAOS Final Report (pdf) or

The TAOS Final Report (for hand-held devices.)