Site Links

This tab provides a short overview of the different sections of this web site.


My Projects and Priorities – I am currently working on three different projects that are described in this section.

Selected Publications – This section notes some of the articles that I’ve written over the years for magazines, journals and newspapers.

What I’m Reading – This link reflects some of the books on higher education, community development and international extension that I have been or am reading.

Presentations & Seminars – This link provides a partial list of workshops and seminars that I have led for various groups over the years. These are just a few of the presentations that I have made or am developing.

Other Publications

Praxis as Vocation

Intriguing Research – It seems as if every day, I run across new studies that examine  some aspect of the problems and issues of interest to me.  An amazing number of these research reports are freely available to the world. This list looks at some of the studies that I have recently been reading.

Interesting Links – The web gives us access to the world.  The challenge is not to find  relevant information, but rather, to keep up with the latest research and developments on problems and issues of interest.  This section points to a few of the sites that I monitor on an ongoing basis.

