Interesting Links

Chronicle of Higher Education

Although the Chronicle of Higher Education is a subscription publication, it also offers two free electronic newsletters that I read five days a week.  “Academe Today” comes in the morning and gives an excellent overview of the issues facing higher education at the moment.  In the afternoon, the Chronicle’s “Afternoon Update” provides a roundup on the most recent developments, emerging at the time.


Inside Higher Education

Inside Higher Education is probably my favorite newsletter for colleges and universities because it not only speaks to the most significant issues in higher education, it provides in-depth reporting and thoughtful analysis.  I particularly like the “Daily News Update,” IHE’s morning newsletter that addresses a half dozen or so significant issues, and also provides some “quick takes” on others.


Association of American Colleges and Universities [AAC&U]

An organization dedicated to advancing and strengthening the liberal arts, AAC&U is an excellent source of clear thinking, cutting-edge research findings and information about best practice that promotes student learning.  It views liberal education as a philosophy of education that empowers students for civic engagement by helping them acquire broad knowledge, develop transferable skills and examine (and refine) their own values.  AAC&U’s projects, publications, meetings, conferences and other resources are absolutely first rate.  Check out the organization’s web site at:


The Center on Education and the Workforce

The  Center on Education and the Workforce, part of the Georgetown Public Policy Institute at Georgetown University,  is a wonderful resource for research findings on higher education issues.  The Center’s most recent study, Failure to Launch: Structural Shift and the New Lost Generation, is fascinating!


Agrilinks  [USAID]

For people interested in agricultural development and food security, Agrilinks is a wonderful resource for current information and resources.  This site does exactly what it its name implies; it links people together.  Whether an agricultural researcher, administrator or community-based practitioner, those who care about food security can find lots of helpful information.


National Center For Educational Statistics

Although I’ve looked at IPEDS data on this U.S. Department of Education site for many years, the National Center for Educational Statistics has more information available than I knew had been gathered!  I particularly like the “Fast Facts” which are interesting, comprehensive and useful.  Busy practitioners sometimes don’t spend enough time looking at the data.  When you’re looking for data on higher education, the NCES web site is a wonderful resource!