Other Publications

Many years ago while living in Congo, I learned that for me, writing is a way of thinking.  I would write long letters to my family in which I described and tried to explain the things going on around me.  To my surprise, I discovered that as I organized my thoughts on paper, things made more sense.  That is how I started writing in different genres including newspaper, magazine and journal articles.  Here is a small selection of publications that reflect some of the ideas with which I’ve worked over the years:

Refereed Journal Articles

I’ve always seen myself as a reflective practitioner who not only brought theoretical insights to the workplace, but also examined what “practice” could contribute to theory. In addition to some research-based articles, I’ve written about different elements of education and community development.  Several are noted here.

Newspaper Articles

On occasion, I saw something that touched to the core.  These became long letters to my family and friends.  Some were subsequently published as newspaper articles or posted in other places.  I’m including several of them here.

More Complete List of Publications:

This link includes the references for many of the articles and papers I’ve written over the years.  Although the articles themselves are not available here, the titles and references will point to some of my intellectual interests.